Package org.svvrl.goal.core.tran.pmt02

  • Class Summary 
    Class Description
    This class provides methods for computing the cover defined in [Hong Peng, Yassine Mokhtari, Sofiène Tahar: Environment Synthesis for Compositional Model Checking.
    This class provides an implementation of the translation in [Hong Peng, Yassine Mokhtari, Sofiène Tahar: Environment Synthesis for Compositional Model Checking.
    This class provides several translators based on the Tableau approach in [Hong Peng, Yassine Mokhtari, Sofiène Tahar: Environment Synthesis for Compositional Model Checking.
    This is a translator from an ACTL formula to a label-on-state NBW based on the Tableau approach in [PMT02].
    This is a translator from an ACTL formula to a label-on-state NGBW based on the Tableau approach in [PMT02].
    This is a translator from an ACTL formula to an NBW based on the Tableau approach in [PMT02].
    This is a translator from an ACTL formula to an NGBW based on the Tableau approach in [PMT02].