Class DeterminizationToWDBWByDEK07

All Implemented Interfaces:
java.util.EventListener, Algorithm, AlgorithmListener, ControllableAlgorithm, EditableAlgorithm

public class DeterminizationToWDBWByDEK07
extends AbstractEditableAlgorithm
This class implements the algorithm of determinizing an ω-automaton to an equivalent WDBW if any equivalent WDBW exists [Christian Dax, Jochen Eisinger, Felix Klaedtke: Mechanizing the Powerset Construction for Restricted Classes of omega -Automata. ATVA 2007: 223-236].
Ming-Hsien Tsai
  • Constructor Details

    • DeterminizationToWDBWByDEK07

      public DeterminizationToWDBWByDEK07​(FSA aut) throws java.lang.IllegalArgumentException
      Constructs this object to convert an input ω-automaton to an equivalent WDBW.
      aut - an ω-automaton
      java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if the input automaton is not an ω-automaton
  • Method Details

    • getResult

      public FSA getResult() throws java.lang.IllegalArgumentException
      Returns an equivalent WDBW of the input automaton.
      an equivalent WDBW of the input automaton
      java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if the input automaton is not equivalent to any WDBW
    • getIntermediateResult

      public Editable getIntermediateResult()
      Description copied from interface: EditableAlgorithm
      Returns the intermediate result.
      the intermediate result of this algorithm