Class SafraConstruction

All Implemented Interfaces:
java.util.EventListener, Algorithm, AlgorithmListener, ComplementConstruction<FSA,​FSA>, ControllableAlgorithm, EditableAlgorithm
Direct Known Subclasses:

public class SafraConstruction
extends AbstractComplementConstruction<FSA,​FSA>
A SafraComplement object complements an NBW A in stages:
  1. Determinizes the input NBW A as a DRW R by the Safra's construction.
  2. Complements R as a DSW S by interpreting the acceptance condition of R as a Streett condition.
  3. Converts S to an NBW A'.
This class also offers a modified version of Safra's construction. See SafraConverter for more details.
Ming-Hsien Tsai
  • Field Details


      public static final java.lang.String O_HISTORY_TREE
      The option of using Schewe's history trees instead of Safra trees.

      public static final java.lang.String O_ACCEPTING_TRUE_LOOPS
      The option of simplifying accepting true loops.

      public static final java.lang.String O_ALL_SUCCESSORS_ACCEPTING
      The option of simplification when all successors are accepting.
  • Constructor Details

    • SafraConstruction

      public SafraConstruction​(FSA aut)
      Constructs this object with an NBW to be complemented. The default options for Safra's construction will be used.
      aut - an NBW to be complemented
      java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if aut is not an NBW
    • SafraConstruction

      public SafraConstruction​(FSA aut, Properties options)
      Constructs this object with an NBW to be complemented and custom options for Safra's construction.
      aut - an NBW to be complemented
      options - custom options for Safra's construction
      java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if aut is not an NBW
    • SafraConstruction

      protected SafraConstruction​(FSA aut, boolean m)
      Constructs this object with an NBW to be complemented and a boolean indicating if the modified version should be used. The default options for Safra's construction will be used.
      aut - an NBW to be complemented
      m - a boolean indicating if the modified version should be used
      java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if aut is not an NBW
    • SafraConstruction

      protected SafraConstruction​(FSA aut, Properties opt, boolean m)
      Constructs this object with an NBW to be complemented, custom options for Safra's construction, a boolean indicating if the modified version should be used.
      aut - an NBW to be complemented
      opt - custom options for Safra's construction
      m - a boolean indicating if the modified version should be used
      java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if aut is not an NBW
  • Method Details